The path 
If you’ve been spiritually seeking for years, or if you’re new to the process, a guide can be invaluable.
Awakening is intuitive. To awaken is to become vulnerable. Learn how to follow your inner truth.
The 3rd eye
Through meditation and the practice of self-inquiry, one can learn to open up in a way that leads to freedom.
Inner peace
Become familiar with ego and attachments. See the things that have acted as a barrier to joy and peace in your life.

What is Awakening?

Put most simply, awakening is a vivid realization of the nature of reality, and how our sense of selves are placed within it. Rather than a destination, or a goal to attain, Awakening is often felt as the experience of the present moment away from the chaos of thought.
the nature of identity
Through the process of becoming acquainted with who we truly are, we begin to see our place in life in a more honest, authentic way.
What is suffering?
Through self-examination and the process of self-inquiry, we can begin to see that suffering isn’t what we think it is.
What is reality?
Our actual relationship with reality is usually one of overlooking the obvious. As our awareness sharpens, our perception and relationship with reality begins to take on a more honest, integral quality.
what is non-duality?
Non-duality is best described as the true nature of reality. While, initially, non-duality may appear to be filled with paradoxes, we can begin to see that most of life’s experiences are very much non-dual in nature.